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IEEE Fellows Elevated as of 1 January 1975

Election to the grade of IEEE Fellow is one of the highest honors that can be bestowed upon our members by the Institute in recognition of their technical, educational, and leadership achievements. Only a select few IEEE members earn this prestigious honor.

Congratulations to the following Communications Society members for their election to the grade of Fellow of the IEEE. They now join company with a truly distinguished roster of colleagues.

Brian D. O. Anderson
For contributions to quadratic optimal control and stability theory, and for leadership in electrical engineering education.

Samuel D. Bedrosian
For contribution in graph theory applications to networks and systems.

Lucien M. Biberman
For contributions to infrared technology for remote sensing, viewing, and guiding.

Robert D. Briskman
For contribution to the development of communications satellite systems.

Fred I. Diamond
For contributions to the development of signal processing technology for radar and communications.

George S. Eager
For development of an industry accepted methods of corona detection in extruded dielectric power cables.

Raffaele Esposito
For contributions to communication theory and system analysis.

Fritz Froehlich
For contributions and technical leadership in data communications and in developing new telephone services.

Irvin N. Howell
For contribution in the field of communications, and for leadership in meeting quality control objectives and standards.

Robert S. Kennedy
For contributions to the analysis of fading and dispersive communications channels and to the field of optical communications through the atmosphere.

Satioshi Kojima
For development of traffic theory in communications and the nationwide dialing systems in Japan.

Clare D. McGillem
For contribution in radar research.

Henry E. Meadows, Jr.
For contributions to the theory of linear time variable networks.

Tonau Osatake
For contributions to communications systems design.

Donald L. Schilling
For contribution to the design of communication systems and to engineering education.

Jack M. Sipress
For contribution to the development of pulse-code modulation systems.

Seymour Stein
For technical leadership in the development of advanced communications and signal processing systems.

Jack J. Stiffler
For contribution to the field of synchronous communications.

Hikotaro Takeuchi
For contributions to the development of antenna systems and overseas telecommunications facilities.

Frank S. Vigilante
For contributions and leadership in the development and deployment of electronic switching systems.

Ralph W. Wyndrum, Jr.
For contributions to hybrid integrated circuit development and application.

Aaron D. Wyner
For basis contributions to information theory.