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The IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management publishes (online only) peer-reviewed archival-quality papers that advance the state-of-the-art and practical applications of network and service management. Theoretical research contributions (presenting new concepts and techniques) and applied contributions (reporting on experiences and experiments with actual systems) are encouraged.

These transactions focus on the key technical issues related to:

  • Management Models
  • Architectures and Frameworks
  • Service Provisioning
  • Reliability and Quality Assurance
  • Management Functions
  • Enabling Technologies
  • Information and Communication Models
  • Policies
  • Applications and Case Studies
  • Emerging Technologies
  • Standards

Published papers can be accessed through IEEE Xplore.

A searchable index for all IEEE TNSM papers (published and early access) is available here.

A TNSM journal paper should contain significant contributions in the field of Network and Service Management, including e.g. performance evaluations, scalability analysis, optimizations. You can learn about the established tradition of this journal and past publications via the TNSM searchable index.

More information for the preparation of manuscripts are available in the Author Guidelines.

All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted through the IEEE ManuscriptCentral service.

We look forward to your submissions!

The special issues with an open call for papers are available on the CFP page, regular paper submissions are welcome anytime!

FAQ for Authors and Potential Authors:

What are the typical paper handling times?
The goal is to notify authors in less than 70 days after submission. The Editorial Board works hard to reach this target. In exceptional cases, the notification times are slightly higher.

What is the typical time for a minor/major revision and resubmission?
Authors typically get 14 days to finalize a minor revision, 8 weeks to finalize a major revision and up to 6 months to finalize a resubmission. In case more time would be needed, feel free to contact the Editor-in-Chief or the Administrative Assistant.

Is there an extra page charge and potential waiving of this charge?
All authors of accepted papers are entitled to 10 pages free of charge (in two-column format, including title, abstract, all figures, tables, references, biographies and author pictures).

Papers exceeding 10 printed pages are subject to a mandatory page charge of US$220 for each Transactions page. If page charges apply, authors can expect to receive a bill directly from IEEE at the time of publication. Page charges will be handled by IEEE Publications and the editorial staff of this Transactions has no involvement with these charges.

Authors from academic institutions who are unable to cover page charges may apply for a waiver by providing evidence to TNSM that there is no available funding source to cover the page charges. Requests for waivers of these charges are only considered when submitted no later than 30 days from the notification of acceptance for publication.

Where can we have access to the published IEEE TNSM papers?
All TNSM papers are available in IEEEXplore very soon, a couple of days after acceptance and submission of the camera ready paper and copyright form. A searchable index for all TNSM papers is available through the TNSM searchable index.

How long does it take to publish a paper after acceptance and submission of the camera ready paper and copyright form?
This only takes a couple of days. An online published version with the final DOI is available very soon in IEEE Xplore after the camera-ready version has been submitted. Please also make sure to react quickly to the request for approval of the galley proofs, and potential additional questions from the IEEE Article Production Department.

Once the Early Access version is available in IEEE Xplore, it would be considered for publication in the next IEEE TNSM issue.

Can Special Issue papers, which need more revision time, be published in a later regular issue?
Yes, submissions to Special Issues submitted before the submission deadline, which require more revision time than possible given the Special Issue publication timeline, are considered automatically for publication in a next regular issue.

Is a resubmission of a rejected paper allowed?
No, the IEEE publication policy does not allow to handle a resubmission of a TNSM paper which received an earlier ‘reject’-notification.

Proposals for Special Issues: how to submit them?
You can submit your proposals to the Editor-in-Chief. Please note that the journal typically plans recurring Special Issues on particular topics. Hence there is not much room to accommodate additional Special Issues.

Which are the expectations in terms of scope, mathematical modelling, etc.?
We kindly refer to the Journal information page. You can learn about the established tradition of this journal and past publications via the TNSM searchable index.

We consider the extension of a published conference paper, which modalities should we take into account?
Extended and improved conference papers are considered for publication in TNSM, if the extension adds clear value. A journal version of a conference paper generally contains a more thorough related-work section and additional results. Authors should take advantage of the fact that TNSM papers can be longer than conference papers (i.e. 10 pages free of charge and extra pages at US$220/page). The conference paper must be referenced in the journal version and the added value must be explained in the paper. The extended paper is evaluated for its total contribution and technical value, regardless of whether parts of it have been published earlier in conference venues. The conference paper and the journal paper should have different titles.

Can we submit survey papers to IEEE TNSM?
Yes, the journal surely welcomes survey papers on topics, which are in scope of IEEE TNSM.

We look forward to your submissions to IEEE TNSM!