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Latin America Awards Motion
08:21 “that OpCom approve the creation of two Latin America Regional awards, each award consisting of a plaque and honorarium of about US$1000: Latin America Young Professional Award and Latin America Distinguished Service Award.”

Awards Program

A program to recognize IEEE Communications Society members in the Latin America Region for their achievements was recently initiated. Nominations of individuals, who must be residents of our Region, are solicited for the following ComSoc Latin America awards. Distinguished Service Award

  • Young Professional Award
  • Distinguished Service Award

There will be special Calls for each of these awards. Residents of the Latin America Region are also eligible for major Communications Society Awards.

Awards Description and Awards Process

Each award consists of a plaque and honorarium in the amount of US$1000. The timeframe for issuing an award shall be determined by the ComSoc Director for Latin American in consultation with the Chair of the Latin American Awards Committee. Awards winners will be listed on the ComSoc Latin America Region Website. The awards ceremony will preferably be held at an event which includes regional ComSoc meetings or conferences.

The Latin American Region Awards Committee is responsible for selecting award winners from among the nominated candidates, and the chair may designate subcommittees for different awards. The committee shall have at least three members plus the chair. The chair is appointed by the Director of the Latin America Region, and the members of the committee by the Director in consultation with the Awards Committee Chair.

Candidates for awards must reside in the Latin America Region at the time of the publication or activity for which the awards is made and must be regular or Student members of the IEEE Communications Society.

The Awards Committee Chair and the Director of the Latin American Region are not eligible for any award during their term. If a member of the committee is nominated for an award, that member shall not participate in the selection process for that award.

Selection Process

Final decisions shall be made by the Awards Committee on a timely schedule and approved by the Director of the Latin America Region.

Selection criteria shall be established by the Awards Committee chair in consultation with the committee members. The reviews, voting, and any deliberations of the Awards Committee shall be strictly confidential. If the committee determines that no candidate fulfills the established criteria, no award should be issued regardless of the call for nominations.

Nominations and Selection of Awards


Latin America Region Distinguished Service Award

Basis for Judging: Evidence of significant contribution to the development of IEEE Communications Society activities in the Latin America Region

Eligibility: Individual who have significantly contributed to the development of IEEE Communications Society activities in the Latin America Region


  • Nominations should be solicited and can include electronic advertising for the award.
  • Nomination should include a supporting statement

Award Prize:

  • Prize consists of consists of a plaque and honorarium in the amount of US$1000

Presentation: Annually (as appropriate)

Latin America Region Young Professional Award

Basis for Judging: Evidence of an outstanding and promising professional record in the field of communications

Eligibility: Professionals in communications and related fields in the first five years of their careers following a professional degree

Nominations: Nominations should include a supporting statement as well as contact information of the nominee and of the nominator

Award Prize:

  • Prize consists of consists of a plaque and honorarium in the amount of US$1000

Presentation: Annually (as appropriate)

LA Regional Director, Yessica Saez

2023 Winners

Sandra Hidalgo Perez
Winner of the Distinguished Service Award

Gidy Florez Navarro
Winner of the Young Professional Award

Past Winners


Distinguished Service Award
Esmeralda Asurza Espiritu
for her outstanding contribution to the development of IEEE Communications Society activities in the Latin America Region

Young Professional Award
Hugerles Sales Silva
for his outstanding achievements in Communications profession in Latin America


Distinguished Service Award
Andres Navarro
for his continued support and leadership to Communications Society activities in Latin America

Young Professional Award
Yessica Saez
for her outstanding achievements in Communications profession in Latin America


Distinguished Service Award
Joel Rodrigues
for his continued participation as IEEE Communications Society

Young Professional Award
Hector Poveda
for his outstanding academic career in Communications


Distinguished Service Award
Ricardo Veiga
for his outstanding contribution to the development of IEEE Communications Society activities in the Latin America Region

Young Professional Award
Nury Gabriela Ramirez Cely
for her outstanding and promising professional record in the field of communication​


Distinguished Service Award
Fábio Borges de Oliveira
for his outstanding contribution to the development of IEEE Communications Society activities in the Latin America Region

Young Professional Award
Fabricio Braga Soares de Carvalho
for his outstanding and promising professional record in the field of communication​


Distinguished Service Award
Pedro Aguilera
for his outstanding contribution to the development of IEEE Communications Society activities in the Latin America Region

Young Professional Award
Carlos Lozano Garzon
for his outstanding and promising professional record in the field of communication​


Distinguished Service Award
Carlos Martinez
for his outstanding contribution to the development of IEEE Communications Society activities in the Latin America Region

Young Professional Award
Leandro Aparecido Villas


Distinguished Service Award
Ana María Ospina Bolaños
for her outstanding contribution to the development of IEEE Communications Society activities in the Latin America Region​

Young Professional Award
Alexander Omar Duque Alas​
for his outstanding and promising professional record in the field of communication​


Distinguished Service Award
Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville

Young Professional Award
Luiz Fernando Bittencourt


Distinguished Service Award
Nelson Fonseca
for his outstanding contribution to the development of IEEE Communications Society activities in the Latin America Region

Young Professional Award


Distinguished Service Award
Carlos Andres Lozano Garzon

Young Professional Award
Leonardo B Oliveira


Distinguished Service Award
José David Cely
for his outstanding contribution to the development of ComSoc activities in Colombia

Young Professional Award
Eduardo Freire Nakamura
for his contribution to Wireless Sensor Networks