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About ComSoc

Ying-Chang Liang

2024 Member-at-Large - Asia and Pacific Region Candidate

Position Statement

Over the past two decades, I have actively served ComSoc and its members with great enthusiasm as Editor-in-Chief of flagship journals, TPC/General Chair of major conferences, and Leader of local chapters and technical committees. If elected, I will use my unique leadership and management experiences to help to build a stronger and more inclusive ComSoc, and as a member of the Board of Governors, I plan to:

  1. Enhance ComSoc’s leadership by taking technical initiatives proactively in the emerging areas of communications related technologies.
  2. Make ComSoc’s journal and conference publications more accessible and affordable by providing more free and open access contents;
  3. Strengthen the involvement of industrial organizations in ComSoc’s technical and conference activities;
  4. Provide more volunteer opportunities for student members and young professionals.


Ying-Chang Liang [F] is a Professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. Prior to that, he was a Principal Scientist at the Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R), Singapore. He is an international leader in the wireless communications and cognitive radio research communities. His leadership positions within ComSoc include Founding Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE JSAC - Cognitive Radio Series (2011-2014), Chair of the Technical Committee on Cognitive Networks (2015-2016), and Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking (2019-2022). In addition, he served as TPC Chair and Executive Co-Chair of IEEE Globecom’17, and TPC Co-Chair of IEEE Globecom’24. He received several research and publication awards, including IEEE ComSoc Award for Advances in Communications (2022), IEEE ComSoc Stephen O. Rice Prize (2021), and IEEE ComSoc TCCN Recognition Award (2018). He is a Fellow of IEEE, and a Clarivate Analytics’ Highly Cited Researcher since 2014.