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Ekram Hossain
University of Manitoba

Ekram Hossain (F’15) Professor in the Department of Elec- trical and Computer Engineering at University of Manitoba, Canada ( He is a Member (Class of 2016) of the College of the Royal Society of Canada and a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineer- ing. Dr. Hossain’s current research interests include design, analysis, and optimization of wireless, mobile, cognitive, and green communication networks with emphasis on beyond 5G cellular networks. To date, his research works have received

27,000+ citations (in Google Scholar, with h-index = 86).  He was elevated to an IEEE Fellow “for contributions to spectrum management and resource allocation in cognitive and cellular radio networks”. He received the 2017 IEEE ComSoc TCGCC (Technical Committee on Green Communications Computing) Distinguished Technical Achievement Recognition Award “for outstanding technical leadership and achievement in green wireless communications and networking”. He was listed as a Clarivate Analytics Highly Cited Researcher in Computer Sci- ence in 2017, 2018, and 2019. Currently he serves as the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Press. Previously he served as the Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials (2012–2016).