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Bouziane Brik
Sharjah University, UAE

Bouziane Brik received his engineering degree (ranked first) in computer science, his M.Sc. degree, and his Ph.D. from Laghouat University, Algeria, in 2010, 2013, and 2017, respectively. He is currently working as Assistant Professor in the computer science department of Computing and Informatics College, at Sharjah university, UAE. Before joining Sharjah University, he worked as assistant professor in the DRIVE department of Bourgogne University in France. He has also worked as a post-doc at the University of Troyes, CESI School, and Eurecom Research Institute, in France. He is currently working on resources management and security challenges of 5G network slicing in the context of H2020 European projects including MonB5G, 5GDrones, InDiD, and 5G-INSIGHT. His research interests also include 5G and Beyond networks, Explainable AI, and machine/deep learning for wireless networks. He is an active member in many conferences' organizing committees, such as Globecom, WCNC, ICC, GIIS, EAI, EAI CICom, etc. He actively organizes different special issues in prestigious journals as well as conference workshops. He also has and still acts as a reviewer of many IFIP, ACM, and IEEE conferences (ICC, Globecom, WCNC, IWCMC, GIIS, LCN, etc.) and journals, such as IEEE transactions, magazines, and letters.

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