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Purpose of Reviewing

Reviewing papers for IEEE Internet of Things Magazine (IoTM) has two functions: to provide feedback on articles that guarantees a high-quality publication and to provide feedback to authors that may assist them in preparing quality manuscripts for submission in the future. Reviewers should strive to offer feedback that is useful to the authors in revising their manuscripts for publication or rewriting a manuscript for resubmission to IEEE IoTM.

The former option is appropriate for those papers that have sufficient technical content so that judicious revisions can result in a high-quality paper for publication. The latter option is appropriate when the author(s) have submitted an article that is not appropriate for publication, or even consideration, in IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. In the latter case, the reviewer’s report should contain sufficient information to allow the author to understand the type of article that is appropriate. Indeed, it is probably appropriate to have a canned description that can be used.

In some sense, reviewing for IEEE Internet of Things Magazine is more closely akin to participating in the development of the articles than in passing judgment on suitability. However, reviewers should be clear about whether they are asking for a revision that is expected to render the article publishable or are asking for a revision that should be submitted as a new article and rejecting the current one. With respect to the latter, statements such as, "The paper in its current form is not appropriate for publication in IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. On the other hand, there are several ideas that, if developed, could lead to an article that would be very interesting to the readers of IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. For example, ...," are entirely appropriate.

Suitability for Publication

Value to Readers

The usefulness to readers is the single most important issue for the reviewer to consider. Articles should be timely, relevant, nonredundant, and contribute to best practices or lessons learned.

Technical Correctness

The technical focus of IEEE Internet of Things Magazine is the multi-disciplinary, systems nature of IoT solutions. IEEE Internet of Things Magazine is a forum for practitioners to share experiences, develop best practices, and establish guiding principles for technical, operational, and business success. Everything that is said must be technically correct. Technical sloppiness must be pointed out in every instance to the best of the ability of the reviewer.

Tutorial Content

Reviewers should be aware that the primary purpose of IEEE Internet of Things Magazine is to inform readers on topics of interest to the IoT community, independent of technical or business specialty.  Articles must be written in a style that is understandable to the general IoT practitioner.

Key concepts must be clearly explained, and articles should cite other articles that provide background information liberally. Where such references are neglected, the reviewer should strive to correct the deficiencies by either offering specific citations or pointing the author in the right direction. For example, the reviewer might suggest that the authors consult the "last four years of IEEE PCSIEEE Communications Magazine, or ACM CCR for relevant papers, especially those of a survey nature."

Reviewers should feel at liberty to suggest additional material for inclusion in the article. Again, the primary consideration is the value to the reader, and reviewers should not be shy about asking for additions that increase the value of the article to the reader.

Need for the Article

The article must be non-redundant in the sense that there are not already appropriate articles readily accessible to the readers of IEEE Internet of Things Magazine. The paper must be of interest to the IoT community in the sense that it covers a topic that either uses or impacts IoT technology and end-to-end IoT solutions.

Archival Value

The archival value of articles in IEEE Internet of Things Magazine is mostly historical. If an idea builds upon other ideas, liberal reference to source documents should be practiced.

Important Notes

IEEE Internet of Things Magazine is not a forum intended for theoretical or highly specialized scientific material.

  • Articles should be general and present real-world experiences, with the intended audience being all members of the IoT community, independent of technical or business specialty. For example, case studies of actual IoT experiences that discuss lessons learned or highlight best practices are appropriate (vertical studies). Similarly, papers that show how a particular technology has been employed across a range of IoT applications are also appropriate (horizontal studies). Papers are expected to add to the knowledge base or best practices of the IoT community.
  • Undergraduate course projects, in-lab experiments, and capstone project prototypes are not appropriate subjects for IEEE Internet of Things Magazine.
  • Sales/marketing materials are not appropriate for IEEE Internet of Things Magazine.
  • Articles may be edited for clarity and grammatical accuracy and will be copy edited according to the magazine's style. Please refer to The IEEE Communications Society Publications Department Style Guide when preparing your article.
  • Articles should not exceed 4500 words through the introduction to conclusion. This excludes figures, tables, captions, abstract, and references.
  • Figures and tables should be limited to a combined total of six (6).
  • Mathematical equations should not be used. In justified cases, up to two (2) simple equations may be allowed, provided you have the consent of the Guest Editor (GE). The inclusion of more than two equations requires permission from the Editor-in-Chief (EiC).
  • References should be included only to guide readers to more information on the topic; the reference list should not include every available source. A limit of 15 archival references is recommended. The inclusion of more than 15 references requires permission from the Editor-in-Chief. References to web pages should be checked immediately for accessibility before submitting material to the Publications Staff. Each reference to an online source (website URLs, web-posted articles/reports, etc.) is required to show an “accessed” date.

Please check if the reviewed work is a part of a larger entity containing several papers on the same topic, i.e., a Special Issue (SI) or a Feature Topic (FT). If yes, please take this into account in your review (some issues you think are missing in the reviewed paper could be discussed in some of the related papers). If necessary, ask the editor handling the SI or FT for some information on the content of remaining papers.

If you have trouble using the review form in Manuscript Central, you can print the form locally from your browser and submit manually to the editor. Please advise the editor you are having trouble with Manuscript Central and so are submitting your review in this manner.

Reviewer Guidelines

Summary of guidelines for review of manuscripts submitted to IEEE Internet of Things Magazine for consideration for publication:

  • Please provide a one-paragraph description of the content of this manuscript.
  • Please identify and discuss the contribution of this manuscript.
  • Please include in your discussion items such as the following:
    • Does the paper have significant tutorial content? That is, is there enough background provided so that the generalist in networking can understand its main contributions? Elaborate.
    • Does the paper contain original contributions? What is the nature of the contributions?
    • Is there a description of lessons learned that are given to the readers to help them avoid pitfalls in their own work?
    • Is there a need for a paper such as this in the Networking community? For example, are there articles that are already available which cover basically the same topic at about the same depth?
  • Please comment on the organization of the paper and offer any suggestions that you think will improve the paper and its readability.
  • Please comment on the technical correctness of the manuscript in general, identify any specific technical inaccuracies that you find, and make suggestions for correcting those.
  • Please discuss the quality of the citations in this manuscript. If you think the citations should be improved, please provide specific references or sources of articles, such as journals or magazines that should be consulted.
  • If the manuscript does not require major revision, please provide a list of minor changes, such as spelling or grammatical errors that need to be made. Please use the format, "p. 7., l. 18 somth ==> smooth," to mean, "on line 18 of page 7, correct the spelling from somth to smooth."
  • Please provide a summary comment on the overall suitability of the paper for publication in IEEE Internet of Things, assuming the recommended revisions are made. For example, if this is an outstanding contribution, please state so. If a major revision is needed, please state so. If the manuscript requires major editing, please state so.